how to change whatsapp profile picture(dp) ?

Like the majority of Facebook users, most of the users of WhatsApp also love to change their profile pictures and status messages in order to keep their friends and contacts updated about the latest in their lives.

If you are using WhatsApp and are not aware of how to change your profile picture and status message on the chat app here is a quick guide to help you. Please remember in this piece we are taking into account only Android devices.

How to change Whatsapp profile picture

Step 1 Open WhatsApp application

open whatsapp


step 2 click on three dots

click on three dots


step 3, 4, 5 



step3 click on setting

step4 click on a profile picture

step5 click on the camera button

step 6 upload profile picture

upload profile picture

upload profile picture



After clicking or uploading the picture you can crop the picture, otherwise, WhatsApp will automatically crop it. We would recommend you to do the cropping yourself. After that, you just need to press OK and your profile picture will be updated. Do remember you will be needing an active data connection to update your profile picture so do switch on your data connectivity or WiFi.


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